Finding the Funding

Funding your drug testing program is an obvious integral part of implementing a policy. While most schools will use money from the general budget, here are some ideas that have been utilized by various districts.

Federal Funding: The government has created funding for demonstration grants on student drug testing. The links below will help you learn more about how to apply for these grants.

Office of National Drug Control Policy Demonstration Grants

The government has approved the use of Safe and Drug Free schools money for drug testing. Click here for more information on the No Child Left Behind Act.

Pay to Play: Many schools will have the parents pay for the initial test at the beginning of the year. This is similar to them paying for the yearly physical that is required by most state athletic associations. Doing so will defray the cost of the program as the district picks up the tab on the random portion of the program. Because this is both a parent and school issue, it symbolically represents that both parties are meeting half way on the concern of drug and alcohol abuse by our youth.

Public Donations: Many schools will go to the community and ask for support of this program. Studies have shown the benefits to society of a drug free community. Because many students stay in the community following graduation, many industries will benefit. Don't be afraid to go to the larger corporations and factories and ask for their help in the cost of this program. The tax deductible donations will benefit them in the long run.